The Canine Companions Club works with the SCW Rec Centers to maintain the All Dog Park located behind the tennis courts at the RH Johnson Rec Center.  

  • We provide water dishes and cleaning supplies for the park
  • We organize clean up days in the All Dog park
  • We provide the poop bags and disposal containers
  • We maintain an SCW Clubs website that includes helpful links for your pet
  • An electronic directory of other members is emailed to all members
  • We have speakers on a variety of subjects at our general meetings
  • We have fun with our pets and fun at our meeting

General membership meetings provide:

  • an opportunity for members to discuss ideas for improvements
  • guest speakers to keep us informed of various canine issues
  • a chance to socialize with others who share their love for their pets

General meetings are held at Palm Ridge Rec Center. Doors open at 4 p.m.

Board meetings are held in Stampede Room at the Men’s Club. Start time is 5 p.m.

General meetings are usually followed with a guest speaker, dinner or snacks. For information or if you can help out at the membership drive, please email us at

Large dog park located behind the tennis courts at RH Johnson.